10 Basic questions for students starting a career in Dentistry

Are you starting your career in dentistry? Here at Dentaltix we want to welcome you to the dental sector!

Ahead you will find exciting years of learning and hard work but also the discovery of new specialties, partners, techniques and tricks and although you probably already have many colleagues or relatives in this world, we also want to help you start and resolve your first doubts.

.10 preguntas básicas para estudiantes que empiezan la carrera de odontología

All about AS Technology's FK900 Student Rotary Kit

24/07/2019 - 13:15
All about AS Technology's FK900 Student Rotary Kit

Are you looking for the rotary tool kit for your dental career training?

In this article with video / interview, we present the AS Technology FK900 rotary instrument kit , one of the most comprehensive kits on the market and with the best value for money. We tell you about it from Santos, developer of Kalma, one of the companies with more background in the sector in Spain.

The complete video


Everything you need to know about Rotary Kits, explained in this video

24/07/2019 - 11:32
Everything you need to know about Rotary Kits, explained in this video

With the start of the new year and those endless lists of materials to buy for dental practices, many doubts arise when choosing what and where to buy it. Not to mention if we are in the first years of the career or if we are faced with the choice of what rotary instruments to buy .

Through our email contact for students (hello@dentaltix.com) we are receiving many questions from future dentists throughout Europe and so we decided to make a video explaining everything you need to know.

Comparing Dental Turbines: Which one is the best for you?

23/07/2019 - 14:00
Comparing Dental Turbines: Which one is the best for you?

We know that there is no one dental turbine that is superior to the rest. We need to focus on figuring out which one is suited to the needs of each professional or the treatments that are most often performed in each dental clinic.

Therefore, depending on how you are going to use it, the length of use, maintenance and type of treatments, among other things, there is one turbine that will fit your needs better than the rest. Which one do you need?